The Japanese American Veterans Memorial Court has the singular distinction of being the only site where all Japanese Americans who died in service during America's wars are individually honored. Its presence is a tangible and poignant reminder to all of the enormity of the sacrifice these brave soldiers made. Within the Memorial Court, four majestic walls stand decorous with the engraved names of 815 WWII heroes, 250 Korean War heroes, 115 Vietnam War heroes and 13 heroes from the USS Maine, Grenada and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Photo: Mario G. Reyes
To insure that the Memorial Court is properly maintained for future generations in a manner that honors the sacrifice and patriotism of these heroes and to promote awareness in the community of their contributions to the cause of freedom in America and throughout the world, a group of Japanese American veterans of WWII, the Korean and Vietnam wars formed a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization called the VETERANS MEMORIAL COURT ALLIANCE (formerly the AJAMCPO). The consecrated mission of the Alliance is to raise and steward funds to maintain and preserve the Memorial Court and to educate, inform and provide community forums to conduct public discussion groups and lectures on the heroic contributions of Japanese Americans in all wars of the U.S. so as to foster understanding and appreciation of their patriotic accomplishments to eliminate prejudice and discrimination as well as erect, preserve and maintain other monuments and memorials dedicated to that cause.
Make the check payable to Veterans Memorial Court Alliance and mail it to the mailing address listed at the bottom of he page.