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Korean War

Thursday June 25, 2020 was the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War. The Korean War armistice was on July 27,1953 but was officially extended as the Korean War “Conflict Period” to January 31, 1955. 33,629 Americans sacrificed their lives, which included 256 Japanese Americans. 103,284 were wounded and 8,566 missing or not accounted for. The Korean War has sometimes been referred to as the “Forgotten War” but let us pledge that the sacrifice of so many will never be forgotten.

As we prepare to honor the birth of our nation, please take a private moment to reflect on and appreciate that sacrifice so that the Korean War will be “Forgotten” no more. The Veterans Memorial Court Alliance, formed by veterans of WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam War and the Gulf Wars will continue to honor those who made the supreme sacrifice in all of America’s wars and conflicts.



Japanese American National War Memorial Court

244 S. San Pedro St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012


Veterans Memorial Court Alliance


244 S. San Pedro St.

Suite 200A

Los Angeles, CA 90012




a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization

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This website and exhibition project was developed with support from the JA Community Foundation and with support from the California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit

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